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Our San Mateo Bankruptcy Attorney Discusses Galileo Bankruptcy
Eddy Hsu

On May 6, 2020, Galileo Learning, Inc. filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. For parents in the Bay Area, that meant all camps including summer camps were cancelled. Lucky parents were given a sad email about how Galileo could not give everybody a refund but could get credit or a coupon for discount for future services. Other parents got a form notice of the bankruptcy with terms line  Proof of Claim  or  341 meeting .

Are you one of those parents? Regardless of what you received, your hard earned money is gone. Your next choices are limited. While some parents are trying to dispute credit card charges, the outcomes are dismal. The Bankruptcy case is rolling on and whether you lost $300 or $3,000 need to watch those bankruptcy deadlines!

If you need help navigating the Galileo Bankruptcy or understanding your options, my office is here to help. We have created a dedicated email address  galileobk@ehsulaw.com  for your questions.

httpssss:// www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/Popular-Bay-Area-kids-summer-camp-files-for-15254284.php

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