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Galileo Recent Settlement Options
Eddy Hsu

Parents who signed up for Galileo Summer Camps recently got an email or letter giving them (3) Options regarding their prepaid camp funds. Here is a summary:

Option 1: 110% Credit. If you elect Option 1, you will receive a credit equal to one hundred and ten percent (110%) of your Claim Amount (the “Credit”), which you can apply towards (a) any “online” camp programs (the “Online Programs”) offered by Galileo beginning this summer, or (b) any other Galileo product or products, whether such products are the Online Programs or live-camp programs (when camps reopen). The Credit is valid for five (5) years, until May 31, 2025, and you may transfer the Credit to other parties, including relatives and friends. The Online Programs offered by Galileo will include both week-long camps and one-hour to 90-minute classes, both of which will be led by Galileo instructors.

Option 2: 50% Discount Coupon. If you elect Option 2, you will receive a fifty percent (50%) off, unlimited-use “coupon” (the “Coupon”) on any Galileo product or products, including, but not limited to, Online Programs or live camp programs (when camps reopen). The Coupon is valid for five (5) years, until May 31, 2025. You may use the Coupon for any child[ren] in your family, and you may use the Coupon as many times as you like and for as many Galileo products as you like within the five-year period. For example, under Option 2, you could use the 50% discount coupon to generate substantial savings over the next five years regardless of how much you spent on a Galileo camp in 2020.

Option 3: Continue to participate in the bankruptcy proceedings which may or may not result in a refund of some amount.

If you need help navigating the Galileo Bankruptcy or understanding your options, my office is here to help. We have created a dedicated email address  galileobk@ehsulaw.com  for your questions.

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