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EH Law Group

Will Bankruptcy Discharge My Tax Debt?

We often hear from individuals facing financial distress and overwhelming debts, wondering if bankruptcy can discharge their tax debt. It's a common concern and one we're going to explore today.
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EH Law Group

Will I Lose My Retirement Accounts if I File for Bankruptcy?

The thought of filing for bankruptcy can be unsettling, to say the least. It's a decision that carries significant weight, and it's natural to worry about the potential impact on your financial future. Most importantly, you might be wondering what will happen to your retirement accounts.
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EH Law Group

Medical Debt and Bankruptcy

Dealing with medical debt can be overwhelming. It's a burden that many Americans face, and it's important to know you're not alone. At EH Law Group, we're here to guide you through your options, including filing for bankruptcy.
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EH Law Group 

What You Need to Know About Bankruptcy and Divorce

According to a recent report, more than 3.7 million families in California don’t make enough income to meet their basic needs. As a result, many couples in California facing financial distress often turn to bankruptcy to achieve relief.
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EH Law Group

Can I File for Bankruptcy More Than Once?

When overwhelmed with debts, bankruptcy is among the possible options to achieve relief or get a fresh financial start. However, you won't automatically become immune to financial challenges, even after filing for bankruptcy once and receiving your discharge.
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EH Law Group

Paying Your Bills When You’ve Been Laid Off

It’s an unfortunate reality that employers can lay off workers for all sorts of reasons. And in an uncertain economy, you never know when you might be among them. More than 52,000 California employees were laid off during the first six months of 2023 alone—most of them in the southern part of the state.
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EH Law Group

5 Signs That You Are Living Beyond Your Means

Today, many Americans now have access to credit cards, personal loans, and payday loans. While these tools can be a lifesaver during emergencies, many people end up overspending without thinking about what they can actually afford. Unfortunately, living beyond your means can make you rack up debts and put you into financial instability.
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EH Law Group

Preparing for Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is among the promising options for individuals, families, and businesses going through financial distress to seek debt relief or a financial fresh start. However, filing for bankruptcy in California usually involves several complicated procedures.
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